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Acrylic painting by patient Dan Patterson


with Christine Goodman, 2017


In January 2017 visual artists Daniele Sambo and Christine Goodman began a joint residency at the St Andrews Community Hospital funded by the McKenzie Sisters’ Trust and Mary Moore Trust under the auspices of Art in Hospital, Glasgow. For sixteen weeks they facilitated art workshops at the hospital with patients from ward 1 and ward 2.


During the course of the residency they engaged with around 30 patients by offering a creative space to escape the daily hospital routine; access to art books and materials; the possibility of socialising in a different environment.


A selection of the creative works facilitated by the residency were cyanotypes and polaroids that inspired this pieces. Through visual and sometimes spoken dialogue with patients and subsequently through the artworks produced by the patients, they came to an understanding of the significance of the everyday objects that they tell the story of.


New work was created following on from the residency as collaborative pieces by the two artists. For the cyanotypes also known as blueprints and sun-prints,
the artists used one of the earliest photographic techniques to reproduce a series of everyday objects from the lives of the patients.

The still-lives are the re-creation from the initial polaroids taken with the patients during the residency. Flowers, everyday objects and the backdrops were again all sourced from the hospital.


The work was exhibited as part of the St.Andrews Photography Festival 2017


con Christine Goodman, 2017


Nel 2017 per 16 settimane Daniele Sambo e Christine Goodman hanno facilitato laboratori creativi per i pazienti nell'ospedale di St.Andrews.


Durante questa residenza hanno lavorato con circa 30 pazienti offrendo una via d'uscita dalla monotonia della vita ospedaliera. In aggiunta a techniche tradizionali come acquerello, acrilicoe etc hanno offertoo la possibilita di sperimentare con polariods e cianotipi. 


Al termine della residenza artistica Daniele e Christine hanno prodotto una serie di opere in risposta al lavoro creato dai pazienti durante i laboratori. 


Il risultato di questa collaborazione e stato esibito nell'Ospedale di St.Andrews durante il festival di fotografia di St.Andrews 2017.

Polaroid Sketch created with the patients
during the residency.

Still Life III (White and Blue Bib), 2017

(new work inspired by the residency )

Everyday Objects, Cyanotypes, 2017 (new work inspired by the residency )

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