Polaroid 2013
Polaroid 2013
Polaroid 2013
Polaroid 2013
Florae is a series created within the larger context of a commission for the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow, a project which was addressing the artistic and design features for specific rooms within this new hospital complex, considering the spaces capacity to embody and enhance a sense of healing and calm.
These images were part of a first preliminary studio series within a larger research project, aiming at creating connections between nature and people in Glasgow. These flowers were picked up from the streets and dried in the sunlight. The imperfection in the reproduction of the shapes and colors is a way of taking distance from the botanical and perfect representation of the plant we can find in books, making space for the nicknames and the common names, which instead constantly change depending where we move in space and time.
The fragility of the Polaroid print, which, exposed to direct light will slowly fade, links both to the delicate plant itself dried by the sun, and to the dimension of our frail lives as humans, especially in the context of the hospital.
Thanks to Robin Leishman the work was framed using wood leftovers and pallets coming from the same streets where the flowers were found.
The work was exhibited as part of Phototown 2013 by FOAM, Amsterdam
Florae e un lavoro/studio creato per una serie di opere destinate all'Ospedale Queen Elizabeth di Glasgow.
Le immagini dovevano aiutare i pazienti comunicando un senso di calma e pace.
I fiori ritratti nelle immagini sono stati raccolti per le strade di Glasgow ed essiccati alla luce del sole.
La fragilità ed unicità di queste stampe Polaroid, estremamente sensibili alla luce solare diretta crea un ponte diretto con i soggetti ritratti, asciugati dal sole ma anche con la delicata essenza della vita umana, evidente nel contesto ospedaliero. Le imperfezioni nella riproduzione delle forme e dei colori, tipici delle prime batch di Polaroid dell'Impossible Project, aiutano a prendere le distanze dalla precisione delle illustrazioni botaniche classiche.
Infine le cornici realizzate da Robin Leishman con pallets e materiali provenienti dalle strade di Glasgow e destinati ad essere distrutti.
La serie di e stata esibita a Phototown 2013, FOAM, Amsterdam